Whether to maintain or increase results!
That's the question everyone asks when they're a freelancer. You don't want to miss out on an expense that could be deductible. Deductible 🧐 ? A deductible expense reduces your income, on which tax is calculated. A €1 deductible expense reduces your income by €1, and therefore lowers your taxes by around €0.5. But there's no point in spending that euro for no reason, because it's still going to cost you €0.5 !
The reasoning is very simple, whether you're an individual or a company. Was the expense incurred :
in a professional context
during the year : for example, you cannot deduct in 2022 an expense incurred in 2020
in order to maintain or increase taxable income : this is the essential condition
with a supporting document: usually an invoice, but a ticket or any other proof document may also be suitable (see Supporting documents for your accounting).
💡 Always ask yourself whether your expenditure will maintain or even increase your income. If so, that's a very good sign. Because the tax authorities will see their taxes maintained or even increased too 🍰 !