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Sale of merchandise

Taxation : 100%

Lionel ROSU avatar
Written by Lionel ROSU
Updated over 5 months ago

Selling products ? You've come to the right place !

Selling merchandise is part of selling (tangible) products 📦. It is to be contrasted with the sale of services (intangible, linked to human performance). What's important is to track the margin achieved between revenues and merchandise expenses (which is why there's a merchandise purchase category within expenses). For example, if you're an IT consultant and you also sell hardware.

Do you sell a car or a building belonging to your business ? Please note that this category refers to the recurring sale of goods (not capitalized). And not, as here, a rarer operation that corresponds to the sale of fixed assets.

💡 Use this category when you have income from products (in the "purchase of merchandise" category). This makes it easy to track your margin on these sales.

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